
Research Concept

The LUCCi research structure comprised three main phases: 1) data collection, analysis and modeling, 2) integration of the modeling results and strategy development and 3 implementation and transfer. In the following figure, the overall project structure is visualized:

The first phase of the project was concerned with the collection of climate, socio-economic, land and water resources data. Collected data was then used for the modeling of different scenarios within the different fields of research.

The third year focused on the integration of the different modeling results and on the interlinkage between the different modeling approaches. Based on the indicators, which were determined in collaboration with the stakeholders, the collected data and the modeling results, scenarios have been developed which served as basis for the development of suitable land use strategies.

The last phase was concerned with the implementation of the strategies, which has been previously agreed upon with the stakeholders. The results were then transferred to neighboring regions in central Vietnam.

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